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Friday, 8 December 2023

The growth of AI: What it promises? Jobless future or better opportunities?

    Growth of AI, at first glance, might seem like coming with the promise of a jobless future. But more detailed observation and analysis can shine light on the fact that it opens the possibilities for a more colourful and diverse future with the promise of new and better opportunities. AI shifts opportunities and careers from its traditional point of view to a sea of more sustainable alternatives. Like most other developments and inventions in history, as the demand for some skills inevitably decline, the demand for some others would increase. A notable difference in the case of AI with other historical developments is the reality that continuing education and upskilling needs to be accepted as part and parcel of striving forwards in a career and not just in starting out on one or transitioning to one. 


    Further, the increased frequency of historical innovations in today's age is evidence to the fact that AI and other forms of technology leads to innovation and, subsequently, productivity. Moreover, since innovation is often something that we cannot control or curb forever, we need to accept and access our inherent skill of adaptability and change with the changing times, while working to carefully and proactively lead that change to positive outputs and outcomes. 


    Using the power of AI and related innovations, we can instigate deep learning and structure algorithms to achieve the goals of sustainability that we continue to strive to and are incredibly short on time to accomplish, be it that change is slow or not. It's also to be noted that AI provides the opportunity to achieve sustainability in an inclusive manner by holding space and making facilities accessible for those who have diverse accessibility requirements. It also opens our eyes to the fact that sustainability is, in fact, a no go without inclusion which we often tend to forget, unless we stand facing the brunt of it. 


    Such accomplishments come with a requirement of large amounts of human effort to label and prepare necessary training data for supervised learning, like developing a curriculum. This is a challenge to solve to channel the fruits of those efforts effectively to other sectors to symbiotically benefit from. Hence, growth of AI is both a challenge and opportunity, but both can be viewed positively as a chance. So, at the end of the day, the promises of AI depend on how we perceive it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey _muhammedabinsms_ i would like to share some thoughts with you


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