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Wednesday, 19 June 2019

It always shone bright


This song talks about a person who has been trying to find his way through darkness towards light for so long. The person is represented by a ray of light wandering in darkness searching for a beam of light. Through his journey he goes through various trials which offer him pain and lessons. One day, when he sees light again, it makes him so glad that he doesn't know that he was so injured by the trials he had gone through. Though he had found light, he was so traumatized that he couldn't believe people or depend on anyone anymore. When he found himself in situations to ones he had faced in darkness, he started hurting again though he himself didn't know why. Only after hurting again and again for a long time, did he know that he was so hurt and some things had changed in him so much that there was no going back. Even after he found light, he still searches for it, for an abode, all when he's shining so bright, brighter than any other. 

The irony in this song is that the heart of the person clearly knows that he's searching for light which is his aim. But the brain doesn't know where the light is and thus he's aimless. 

참 작았던 그 빛
새로 만났던 그 어둠 속에서 
도움 도 받지 못해
어쩔 줄 몰라
안내 해줄 목소리 도 없이
빛을 향해 무심코 방황하는 빛이
흑 피의 흔적을 남기며
아파하는 줄도 모르고 시간이 지나

그 어둠 속에서 빠져 나오려고 길을 찾아
시간이 지나... 어둠 만 남아
갈 길이 없다 생각 했어... 빛을 향해

혼자서 그 길을 걸으면서
어둠 노려 보지 도 않아
외롭기 만 했던 빛이 늘
맹목에서 채찍에 맞아
심장이 흑심이 되 버릴 듯... 빛을 향해

꺼지는 불 처럼
흑눈물로 빛이 색칠해 
쉴 틈도 없이 맹목에서 이러나 봤을때
향했던 빛을 마주해
그때까지 꺼지고 있던 그 불이
가장 반짝 빛이 났어
안보이게 빨간 피로 색칠하며

안내 해줄 목소리 도 없이
빛을 향해 무심코 방황하는 빛이
흑 피의 흔적을 남기며
아파하는 줄도 모르고 시간이 지나

그 빛에게 자신도 안보이던 손상이 있었다
해쳤던 걸 모르고 시간이 또 지나
비가 가끔 내릴때
아픈 그 빛이
"왜 아프지" 라는 문제의 답 없이
무심코 방황해

빛이 까맣듯이
아무도 못 믿고 의지 할 곳 도 없이
무심코 방황해

안내 해줄 목소리 도 없이
빛을 향해 무심코 방황하는 빛이
흑 피의 흔적을 남기며
아파하는 줄도 모르고 시간이 지나
아무리 빛이나 도 안보이는 흉터가 남는다
비 내리는 날에 아픈 흉터. 


In the newly met darkness,
A small ray of light
Waiting for help

With no voice to guide it,
It wanders aimlessly towards light
Leaving a trail of black blood
Time passes without it knowing that it's hurt

It searches for a way to get out of the darkness
Time passes and only darkness remains
It thinks that there is no way to get out

As it walks through its path all alone
The darkness doesn't even bother to stare at it
That loneliness, like a whip, flogged it. 
Like an extinguishing fire, 
The light darkens stained by black tears. 

Without even time to rest
When it wakes up from the darkness, 
It sees itself faced by light
Until then the light which looked like it was about to extinguish, 
Shone brighter than any other, 
Stained with invisible but red blood 

It was impaired to a level even it, itself couldn't comprehend
Time passes without it knowing that it is injured. 
When it rains from time to time,
Aching light thinks of why it is aching
With no answer, it wanders aimlessly. 

As if light were dark
It couldn't believe or depend on anyone anymore 
And wandered aimlessly. 

However bright it shone, there was always a wound left. 
A wound that aches when it rains.